ISO 17043:2023 Georgia
Developing of infrastructure and establishing
sustainable practices for Proficiency Testing service implementation for
Georgian Pharmaceutical Laboratories
Economic Benefits of Standards - ASEAN
Here you will find recordings and supporting material of the seminar “Economic
Benefits of Standards” which took place from 6 - 8 July 2021.
Training on the Production and Characterisation of Reference Materials according to the ISO 34 Series of Standards
Economic Benefits of Standards
Here you will find recordings and supporting material of the seminar “Economic
Benefits of Standards” which took place from 6 - 8 July 2021.
ARTICAL| Programa 17034 MR
Proveer un programa de apoyo técnico dirigido a los laboratorios vinculados a las entidades coordinadoras de red que contribuya a la acreditación como productor de materiales de referencia (ISO/IEC 17034). Los laboratorios seleccionados, contarán con el acompañamiento de una experta en el área, la cual liderará la evaluación de capacidades de los laboratorios, la identificación de aspectos a fortalecer y la implementación de las acciones requeridas para obtener la acreditación.
Formation ISO 17020 (en français)
ARTICAL| Programa 17043 EA
Proveer un programa de apoyo técnico dirigido a los laboratorios vinculados a las entidades coordinadoras de red que contribuya a la acreditación como proveedor de ensayos de aptitud (ISO/IEC 17043).
ISO 17043:2023
This training course will introduce you to the application of ISO 17043.
ISO 17043:2023 for Guests
ISO 17025 - Mass and Related Quantities
The title of the overall training is: ISO/CEI 17025 :2017 - Mass and Related Quantities
The training will be split up in three online parts, and one presential part.
The title of the first online part is: Training on Evolution of Standard ISO/CEI 17025 :2017
ISO 17025 appliquée pour les laboratoires de température
The title of the overall training is: ISO 17025 appliquée pour les laboratoires de température
The training will be split up in five online parts, and a presential part.
ISO/CEI 17025 :2017 - Masse et grandeurs apparentées
The title of the overall training is: ISO/CEI 17025 :2017 - Masse et grandeurs apparentées
The training will be split up in two online parts, and a presential part.
The title of the first online part is: Formation sur l’évolution de la norme ISO/CEI 17025 :2017